Tuesday, November 27, 2012

3 Posts this Week? Shocking. (Overhead Work Station)

I know, I know. I am surprised too. Like I said, when I started feeling like I was not drowning in school work I would be back. Hopefully this will continue.

I posted yesterday about creating activities for my littles to do at the overhead projector during work stations. It's DONE! Whoo.

I knew I wanted to incorporate the overhead into our work stations since it is simple technology to work with and my kids love it. 

At first I had my students making words with the Overhead Pens. After my OCD could not handle the mess of the pens all over, I introduce using magnet letters  to make the words. My students would make their weekly words, words from the word wall, or words from around the room.  Then, I found overhead 1 inch tiles. I had the idea to write letters on the tiles for the students to use. And that is where the idea of having overhead transpariences with pictures which the students would make the word.

I snapped pictures today of one of my cuties working at the work station.  She was doing an amazing job!
 She is using the tiles to build words on the transparency strips based on the pictures.

These are the 1 inch tiles I used. 

I created a Short Vowel packet first. I will make others as time goes on! 
Click the picture below to go to the TpT store. 
 Hope this helps you during your work stations!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Friendship Sentences for Work Stations pictures

I mentioned yesterday that I had created a new activity, which I am using in the writing work station for now. This could also be used in other work stations, however my littles this year needed extra practice creating sentences. 

Like a good blogger I got the camera out today to take pictures of my kids at work! 

I use a small pocket chart for the students to create setences. After they create the sentences the record them on the sheet; being mindful of capitlization, spacing, spelling, and punctuation. So far my students have loved it!  I store the strips in the basket below the chart. However, the words they use most often (likes the, color, likes to, eat, drink) are stored in the bottom of the pocket chart. 

Click the picture below to check it out at my TpT store. 
Also, I snapped a picture of my littles working on their short e words.

I plan on making a lot more of these acticities to use at our pocket chart. I love seeing my students sound out words to figure out which picture the word belongs with. It's great practice!

Don't forget I am participating in Teachers Pay Teacher big sale!
Everything in my store is 20%. Then, you can get an additional 10% off with the code cmt12! 
Don't pass up the oppurtunity to grab amazing teacher products on sale.
Click the picture below to head to my store.

Also, I am really excited about a new Work Station activity for the Overhead. I found that there were NO resources for the overhead to be used during workstations. Although this technoloy is dated my kids LOVE working at the overhead. It also is helpful that overheads are easy to acess now that most teachers are throwing them out for their interactive white boards.
This will hopefully be posted later tonight in time for the sale!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

New Work Station Ideas and Cyber Monday!

I am definetly not a Black Friday shopper. I really do not like the feeling of pressure when I am shopping. I like to shop in peace :). The majority of my purchases occur online. I like the no fuss!
Therefore, I am very excited for Cyber Monday. Mainly just for the TpT sale. Of course my Teachers Pay Teacher cart is already loaded up with items that I have been saving in my wishlist! Are you as excited as I am about the deals on TpT?

Therefore, I decided to buckle down and finish creating a few new activities for y'all. So you can grab them with the discount :).
*Click any picture below to go to the item at my TpT store*

First up, "Friendship Sentences". This activity was created to help my littles master the art of writing setneces. Starting with a capital letter, puncutation, does it make sense, etc. Therefore, I wanted to create something I thought my students would enjoy. Students simply create sentences using their friends names. I also included factualy and staff members, like myself and our principal's name when I created this activity for my class. One page inclused is used for "friends" names. The teacher will use the blank space  to cut and paste a picture and then write the name beside the picture.

The students will create sentences that look like this:
I forgot to take pictures of my littles working but they loved it! They love using their friends names to make setences and then illustrate.

Second TpT product was a Short E Penguin Sort/ Match up.

Lastly, this week our theme is Polar Bears. Sticking to the Common Core Standards this topic seemed to fit best during this time of year! Therefore, I created a little mini book for my students to use this week while we are reading about Polar Bears to gather information!
 I hope you enjoy Cyber Monday and the amazing deals for teachers on TpT!
Click the picture below to go to my store! 

Happy Holiday and Happy Shopping!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I am Thankful for...

Thanksgiving Break! But really though. Are you with me?
I cannot wait to catch up on sleep, errands, and even some school work!

Now that is definitely not all that I am thankful for, I have been so blessed lately! 
If you are not new to my blog then you know I have been CRAY cray busy since oh... last January when I started planning a wedding. Life has not stopped since. However, I love every minute of all of the new things that have come with being a newlywed. Especially during the holiday season. 

 Like our first Halloween. I cannot explain how excited I was to sit outside and pass out candy! Ha. It could have partially been because I ate  candy the entire time.

The boy and I in our Halloween costume, which was my old dance team costume with some diy accessories. 
I am so thankful for him! 

I am also thankful to be at an amazing new school with some amazing new teachers. So let's catch up on what has been going on in my classroom...

Election 2012:
I was 100% inspired by Cara Carroll's Presidential Unit last year. The girl is creative! It was the perfect way to discuss the election with my littles. 

We read these three books and then did a mock election in class. 

The littles made posters to persuade other voters.
My favorite was the one of my husband and I... he's my First Man obviously.

 Here our the students self portraits and writings "If I were president..."

Another cute activity we did for Thanksgiving {which was also inspired from Cara Carroll}. 

I hope you all have a fab Thanksgiving Break! I am so thankful to you for reading and following my blog.

Next week I plan on posting about a few new TpT items I have FINALLY got around to making for work stations! :)