Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A Different Kind of School Year

This school year will be quite different from previous school years. Why? Well because....

We could not be more excited!

However, with the news of a little girl on the way we had a decision about my up coming school year. After much thought my husband and I decided this school year I would take a year off. It was so hard watching all of my teacher friends go back to school this year without me, however I know this is for the best. 

We are excited to see how much this little girl will change our lives. 

So, since I am not in my classroom this year but I wanted to link up with Blog Hoppin' I decided I would show you my previous classrooms. I am not going to lie, it was killing me to not be able to decorate a room. However, it was also nice to not be climbing on tops of desks to hang things up :). 

My 2013-2014 Classroom: 

AR Quiz Line and Math Tubs:

Read to Self Book Bins:

Word Wall:

Classroom Library:

Writing Work Station:

Poetry Station: 

My small group/ desk area:


Student Work Board:

My 2012-2013 Classroom:

Word Wall

Main Stage- Reading Focus Wall/ Meeting Area

Classroom Library:

Poetry Station:

Math Focus Wall/ Calendar Math

Pocket Chart Workstation: 

Celebrity of the Week board:

Materials for small group:

Small Group table:

Student work:

I cannot wait to see what my 2015-2016 classroom will look like. ;)

Thanks for checking out my pictures!
If you would like to link up with Blog Hoppin' too click the picture below. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Random Updates: Part 1

So here it is... what I have been up to for the months that I have been absent.  I will try to take you through a little journey of classroom and life through pictures! 

Currently this is taking over my life! Small groups! I had bought the light from Wal-Mart and the sign was a Christmas gift from a sweet student. When I realize the light was magnetic I immediately had an idea to through this sign together. I placed it behind my small group table. Therefore, when I am working in a group my kids can easily see the light on. :) 
I kind of love it. 

We have been focusing on Non-Sense words. I wrote lots and lots of them on cute cut outs. Now each time I meet with my group we can practice a new set of words. We have REALLY focused on blending and reading the whole word. I think the cute and colorful cut outs get my kids pretty excited (they like new cute things, like their teacher). 

Also, I recently found Mrs. Wills' Writing Station! I am truly in love with this concept. For January I added her make a list, story, or label it to my station. I put up the I Can list in clear sleeves above the paper bins with hold the appropriate papers. The clear sleeves make it easy so I can change the pear out each month. I also put the black line master behind the I Can List in the clear sleeve in case we need an extra copy. My kids REALLY enjoy going to the writing work station again! PTL. For February I added the "I Can make a Card". Ohmyword. That was the hot item of the week! 

In personal news, life has not slowed down. 
We celebrated my birthday with a full weekend of festivities. 

Started with a Mexican fiesta...

Then, birthday bowling in New Orleans :)

The cake my husband got for me. He knows me well. 

And if you are unaware, the South is in FULL Mardi Gras swing. 
2 balls down, 2 more to go. 
Birthday weekend Mardi Gras Ball...

My husband was a duke this year in his hometown ball and his mother was a past queen. 

Hopefully I will be able to write my part 2 update with lots of holiday activities that were going on this year!