Friday, February 4, 2011

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

For Martin Luther King Jr. Day my students created their own portraits of MLK. I gave the students step by step directions on how to cut each piece of their Martin out. They came out SO cute and each one is unique to each child's personality! I loved it and so did the kids! Afterwards, each child filled in the talk bubble "I have a dream...". 
I got the printable over at What Teachers Want blog. Thanks Rachelle for the comment, we all know what happens after hours of looking at blogs.. you save, and forget where it came from! Anyways, check out her blog, love the Management Mondays!!


  1. Those turned out great! Glad you could use the printable!

  2. Rachelle, so glad you commented!! I tried figuring out where I got this idea from... I mean of course blog stalking! Girl you rock, love your Management Mondays! Now I can link you up to it!
