Monday, October 31, 2011

Scaredy Cat Splat/ Pumpkin Fun

In Treasures this week we are learning about How To Writings. Therefore, in honor of Halloween I decided to create a How To Writing based upon the story "Scaredy- Cat, Splat!"  Today we read the story and discussed our topic in writing for the week. I explained to the students that we would be writing "How To  Scare a Cat" based on the book. The kids loved it. In whole group today we discussed ways in the story the cats were scared and other options for how to scare a cat. 
Above is my craftivity for a scaredy cat. We will create this on Friday to go along with our published final copy!  (Check back for the template to create the cat)

Tomorrow, my students will complete a bubble map with the ideas they brainstormed.
Wednesday the students will begin working on their "Sloppy Copy".  On Thursdays they can continue to work on their sloppy copies and I will revise their writing during this time.  On Friday, my kids publish their writings and turn it in as well as create our scaredy cats!
Below is my example I showed my students today of my expectations for their published writing.

Also, today in class we estimated the seeds in a pumpkin. I had my students estimate the number of seeds and then write what the actual answer was afterwards. We were all off!

*Also if you downloaded the template for the Doubles Rap Ipod, check back to make sure you downloaded the correct template! I accidentally uploaded two different versions and one was not formatted correctly! Click the picture below to find it in my TpT store for free!*


  1. I really like the How to Scare a Cat idea! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I really like your Scaredy Cat Splat! activity.

  3. Love the Scaredy Cat activity! Thanks ~ I'm totally copying you :)

    Grade ONEderful

  4. Love the scaredy cat splat activity! Can you please send me the cat template?
