Wednesday, January 18, 2012

As I said yesterday… I am in the midst of a Work Station re-vamp. Trust me, we needed a little oomph put back into our Work Station routine. 

Below is my set up for my Word Work Station (and on the right is my Math Stations). 
 I explained to my littles that when their work station card said work on words they were allowed to choose for themselves how they would like to do so!  
- Type it- students can type their spelling words, high frequency words, word wall words, or grab a ring of sight words to use!  My kids were so excited about this one!
- Create words using Magnetic Letters
-Create words using Scrabble Tiles
-Create words using Glittery Letters
- Create words using the Blends and Digraphs Word Work Center
{Below is a picture of what is inside the drawers...on the back of the card is a fill in the blank spelling activity}
I am hoping to have this completed and running by Monday. Fingers crossed! 

Moving on...
To celebrate MLK day we did this fun activity using a brown egg and and white egg. We first described what the eggs looked like on the outside, and then had a discussion on what we think would be on the inside! A lot of the kids thought the brown egg would be brown on the inside.

I cracked the eggs and showed the students. *Gasp* They were the same on the inside!

This lead to the neatest discussion on races and equality… even for first graders :)

We also created these MLK's from the TLC website! I did this last year and was *hoping* they would be just as cute this year! AND they were!

Seriously, they kids personalities shine through in these types of projects! *Smiles*


  1. Love your word work station! (And the MLK art is terrific! =)
    JenniferFirst Grade Blue SKies

  2. LOVE, love, love this project!!!

    1. That was the "Are we really different" project...
