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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Just a lil' Vacay

Yes, I did not abandon my blog! I realize it has been a while since I have posted! I needed to take a breather from the blog world and focus on the end of the school year (and my own life). I wanted to enjoy every last moment with my kiddos as much as I possibly could! Is it weird to say how much I miss them?

After the end of every school year I need to re-group and take a break from ALL things teaching. It becomes SO consuming over the school year, because I love it. Its my favorite hobby, yet this can lead to problems in my social life ha. So, we all know giving up all teaching things... not possible. I was still reading the Debbie Diller Math Workstations book, while I was taking my "break". Typical.  I want to feel refreshed and ready to take on the new school year! THANK YOU SUMMER BREAK!

Here's a lil' update on what I have been doing on my vacay from the blogging world....

1. Tore down everything in my room. Tear. Sadly our rooms are used for Summer School so EVERYTHING must come down and be stored away! This was not fun! Below is my class and I enjoying our last day together! I love these lil faces! And in true "me" fashion we did a lil' soul train to end of the day. 
Above is a picture one of my students drew of me in his memory book. Tyler obviously can see my love of fashion! ha

 2. I got to catch up with my besties! School was taking over my life, so its nice to now visit them at work and just hang out!

3. Went to Jazz Fest and Bayou Country Fest! Love.

4. My baby brother graduated. We're 7 years apart, so hes my baby and I'm so proud of this kid. Plus, isn't he adorable!
5. Wedding Season. Do I need to even say anymore? It's taking over our lives. At least it gives me a good excuse to shop! Guess that budget went out the door. I'll try again next month!

6. Went to Portland for a business trip with the boy. Took a tour of the Gorge with his mother. I guess I didn't realize what this tour entailed. I wore my wedges... and found myself hiking in them. Fun. 

 (Not made for hiking. Duh.)

And LAST and MOST important... I got to hang out with the FABULOUS Debbie Diller. If you read my blog, then by now you know I love this woman. Girl crush. She's what I want to be "when I grow up".  She got a lil spark in her, life myself... which is one out of many reasons why I love her! Her conference was wonderful. I will tell you ALL about it in my next post!

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